LifeStrengths is a positive youth development model that advances foster care and other at-risk youth to a place of self-sufficiency and independence from government subsidies and successfully transition into adulthood.
Our Model: Virtual Coaching, Group Gatherings, Daily Touchpoints, Evidence-based Curriculum, No Aging-Out
LifeStrengths was developed by I Pour Life to meet the needs of the most at-risk and marginalized youth populations in the United States.
LifeStrengths is centered around holistic advancement through personal achievement and accountability within three focus areas: Life Lessons, Life Skills, and Social Capital. The proprietary curriculum engages youth in the growth of interpersonal skills and emphasizes development in education progress, employment opportunity, financial literacy, stable living, and social capital.
Each week, a certified LifeCoach meets individually with at-risk youth to assist them in setting and achieving their personal goals, while building a community network of support. Youth development needs are serviced directly by I Pour Life, with relief and rehabilitation needs being met through the integration of community services and partnerships. Through this integration, LifeStrengths fosters a system of community-driven solutions for individual youth in need.

16-24 Years: Age criteria for youth

At-Risk: Youth in foster care, judicial systems, or living in extreme poverty

Community: Youth coached in Residential, Transitional, or Independent Living settings
LifeStrengths is designed to help youth avoid the inherent statistics that surround their situation by introducing Life Lessons, Life Skills, and Social Capital.
Life Lessons
Cultivating healthy relationships is a key part of growing. Youth earn to evaluate relationships and foster those that are most valuable and safe.
Youth are taught to discover their unique skills and strengths in order to cultivate a healthy sense of self-identity and potential.
Life Skills
Healthy Living
Healthy living requires learning new skills and information. Youth are helped to evaluate their current partners and given the resources and the tools they need to learn how to live a healthier life.
LifeStrengths seeks to guide and aid youth through the education process. Often this includes connecting youth to educational resources and support but also providing skills for learning and growing.
Successful employment requires not only access to job opportunities but also the cultivation of skills and professionalism to succeed. LifeStrengths helps you learn the basic employment skills required for succeeding in the work force.
Your community has a wide range of housing options and resources, but navigating those options can be both confusing and overwhelming. We help youth understand their options and cultivate the knowledge and skills needed to secure long-term safe and secure housing.
Financial Literacy
The ability to manage money is a core component of a successful life. Our youth are taught the financial skills necessary to work, live, and plan for the future. These financial skills are a core building block for self-improvement.
Social Capital
The Social Capital Club serves as an avenue for our youth to bond to their peers, bridge new relationships, and link to community influencers to build their network. Designed to offer specific guidance on subjects related to the Life Lessons and Life Skills developed in their one-on-one coaching, the Social Capital Club allows youth to put those skills to use. Through peer-to-peer friendships, socializing with volunteer youth advocates, and building a network of community influencers, our youth have opportunity to build several positive relationships and achieve interdependence within their communities.